Is this the end of Shell’s hydrogen dreams?
This question arises following the news that the company would be shutting down its key hydrogen facilities at Cobham, Gatwick and Beaconsfield in London. With the continued rise of battery powered electric cars; has the market turned yet more towards the idea that our transportation system has a greener, electric future?
Factors in the market would not have helped. Average pricing for Hydrogen cars is around just under £70,000. If you add in the unit cost for Hydrogen, simply filling up could cost as much as with a tank of petrol. So, what was the purpose and idea of this to begin with?
It seems there could be a commercial use for it. Heavy load transport vehicles, such as lorries and buses, could reap a benefit from this technology. As we are only just in the emerging stages, we are bound to see a prototype.
“Heavy load transport vehicles, such as lorries and buses, could reap a benefit from this technology”
Shell have many ties in the gas production sector so we are sure they will not give up, it would only be right for them to try and utilise a future growth for it. We are discovering that for the public, the day-to-day use does not have a feasible future nor is it cost effective. This finding is surprising due to the benefit of it being suitable for zero-emissions, but this only betters the prospects we are seeing with battery powered Electric Vehicles.
It's an unknown world right now and Shell know that. Despite this set back, Shell is also investing a lot into the Electric Vehicle charging solutions industry, boasting they will be installing over 100,000 charging points in the UK by 2030. In addition, they are heavily invested in Ubitricity in London, which aims to provide street charging for built up areas. This provision will tap into the power of street lampposts, as a quick fix for customers who don’t have the luxury of a driveway or onsite charging for their homes.
It's an exciting time to be alive right now! We are seeing a cultural change in the transportation system and the industry giants are racing to the forefront of it.
All grasping to be the first to achieve something incredible for the future of our planet. Do you think we can reach 0 CO2 Emissions by 2050? It’s looking possible to us.
Remember what we always say, “Travel shouldn’t have to cost the earth” - EV Charge Clever